Wednesday, October 16, 2019

7 Colors of dress for every single day of the week.

Hello every today I want to show you about the color of our clothing per week.and what’s color that we should ware for Monday in cambodia. 
 We can choose color of our cloth to fit the day in the week. No matter style (fashion) of your cloth but we can do is just to follow the color modeling. Below, we can see 7 different colors of Khmer traditional cloth for Monday to Sunday.

 • Sunday       : Red 
 • Monday      :Dark yellow (Loeung Tom)
 • Tuesday      :Purple
 • Wednesday :Light green (Sileap)
 • Thursday    :Dark green
 • Friday         : Blue
 •Saturday      :Dark purple

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Friday, October 11, 2019

Bon Om Tuk in is the traditional in Cambodian.

How to Celebrate Bon Om Tuk Bon Om Tuk 
is celebrated in every province. Some spend the time celebrating with their families. They go to see the boat racing and some travel around the provinces to see how they celebrate water festival in different communities. The second day is a full moon, and many celebrate and pray to the moon by putting things like fruits, coconuts and special rice in front of their houses. They believe that by doing so, the moon will give them good luck.

Another good way to celebrate Bon Om Tuk it is to make a special trip from the provinces to the capital city, Phnom Penh. Here, the boat racing event is the biggest highlight. It is a tradition that dates back to the times of the ancient Khmer Empire that marks the strength of the powerful Khmer marine forces. Boat race teams arrive a few days before to practice along the Tonle Sap River. The boats are often sponsored by individual donors and government officials.

At night, you will see people floating small, handmade boats in the river along with many, many floating candles. Different government ministries create their own larger illuminated boats. Later in the evening there are beautiful fireworks displays that last around 20 minutes.

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Friday, October 4, 2019

The palace to visit in Battambang province in cambodia 2019-2020

This is one of the most important tourists spots in Battambang. Dedicated to Lord Buddha, this temple blows away the minds of tourists with its excellent architecture. Compared to the other Angkor temples in Cambodia, this is quite a new temple, as it was constructed in the mid of 19th century. However, certain parts of the temple are slowly getting destroyed. 

 Highlights -White Elephant Pagoda, also known as Wat Tahm –rai-saw, is a temple which has huge, life-size sculptures of white elephants carrying portraits of a prince, as depicted in the story of Lord Buddha. This is one of the modern temples that need to be visited for the sheer architectural brilliance employed here.
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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Battambang town in Cambodia.

Battambang is a city on the Sangkae River in northwestern Cambodia. It’s known for colonial buildings such as Sala Khaet, the former Governor’s Residence. Battambang Provincial Museum has artifacts from local Khmer temples. Nearby, Phare Ponleu Selpak is a circus and performing arts school for underprivileged children.

North of the center are the ruins of Ek Phnom, an 11th-century pagoda with sandstone carvings. West of town, Banan is a hilltop temple with 5 towers, dating from the Angkor period.

The mountain temple complex Phnom Sampeau has far-reaching views. Caves within the mountain contain Buddhist shrines, and were used by the Khmer Rouge regime as killing caves. Farther west, Kamping Puoy reservoir was built by prisoners of the Khmer Rouge and is now a popular picnic area. The “bamboo train," a small bamboo platform on wheels, runs on a stretch of narrow-gauge railway line between Battambang and nearby villages, transporting people and goods.

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Monday, August 19, 2019

Cambodia is Angkor Wat when sunrise.It was wonderful.

Cambodia is dotted with an array of unforgettable views, people and experiences that will ensure you have a memorable time visiting the Kingdom of Wonder. Here are 11 of the most beautiful places to visit in Cambodia.

Angkor Wat at sunrise Holding the title of the world’s largest religious monument, glorious Angkor Wat is a spectacle to be seen whatever time of the day it may be. However, watching the sun peek from behind the temple’s iconic towers is a pretty special experience and well worth waking before the crack of dawn for. But don’t expect to have the temple to yourself, as this is peak time, when tens of thousands of other early birds flock to the temple to capture this magical moment. 
Look Angkor Wat when sunrise is so beautiful,and want to go there.

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Sunday, August 18, 2019

One of khmer food name Nom Banh Chok.

Nom Banh Chok This popular Khmer dish is often eaten during breakfast and is sold in the streets early in the morning. This dish is made up of thin rice noodles topped with a green fish gravy with lots of fresh bean sprouts, banana flowers, cucumbers and a wide array of green vegetables. Although it sounds rather strange, this dish is delicious and is one of the must-try meals while in Cambodia.

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Monday, May 27, 2019

Angkor Wat temple is the most Beautiful place in Cambodia.

Cambodia is the beautiful country,That has a lot of famous mountain and temple,and other beautiful place,That can make people to be happy with us,During see it.Here is the summary of Angkor Wat temple.

Visit to Cambodia would be complete without visiting Angkor Wat, the largest religious structure in the world. It was constructed in the 12th century and it is an elaborate collection of buildings and monuments that seem to stretch out forever. The Angkor is one of the top tourist attractions in Cambodia. This huge and ancient temple features the remains of the famous Khmer Empire. The Angkor wat temple features unique ancient architecture and it is known to be the world’s largest religious monument. Its pillars depict excellent architectural as well as artistic work. This location is famous among tourists who visit and take photographs among the ruins.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Phnom Sampov Mountain

Phnom Sampov is a natural and historical site located along National Road 57 about 12km from the provincial town. Atop 100-meter-high mountain stands a pagoda and three natural carves: Pkasla, Lakhaon and Aksopheak. Pkasla cave is full of uprooted stones and is considered important because it is where Phnom Sampov residents come to celebrate after a marriage. 

 Next to the mountain are several important mountain clusters, including Kdaong mountain, Krapeu mountain, Trung Moan mountain, Trung Tear mountain and Neang Romsay Sok. These mountains are related to Khmer folktale titled Reachkol Neang Romsay Sok.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Khmer popular traditional game.

Khmer New Year brings with it its own culture of fun and frivolity. That includes traditional games that have been played at this time of year for centuries. Here is Leisure Cambodia's guide to the four most popular games.


 Angkunh is the large, dark brown nut of a vine. To play this game, two groups of players get together a boy's team and a girl's team. The teams take the Angkunh, which are now called kuoy for the purpose of the game, and place three to five on the ground. These are called the "planting kuoy". Each team then takes more of the nuts and throws these "hitting kuoy" at the planting kuoy, trying to hit them.The team that hits the least planting kuoys loses, and the other team then gets to hit them on the knee with kuoys. There are two ways of doing this. Bai trachheak (cold rice) means the winner puts one kuoy on the opponent's knee and hits with another one. Bai gadao means they put two kuoys together as before but harder so it makes a cracking sound. If no sound is created, the person being hit is allowed to do the same back to the person who has failed to produce the sound.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

CHOUL CHHOUNG is the khmer traditional game.

Khmer New Year comes the time for Cambodian folks to return to their homeland to reunite with their families and celebrate. If they happen to be born in Phnom Penh, they either go to the homeland of their parents or they stay in the silent capital. Khmer New Year also comes with the crowded celebrations at many meeting points for the rural population. Even under the heating sun, Khmers are very festive. Many traditional games are played by the crowd amongst youngsters and children while the elders watch over the party. These are the commonly played traditional games of Cambodia. 


To play this game, two teams are needed-a team of girls on one side and boys on the other. A krama is tied into knots until it becomes like a large cloth ball with loose edges to grip and throw it. There are two distinct types of chhoung. The first is chhoung rorm chreang (singing and dancing chhoung), when the boy’s team throw the chhoung into the girl’s team. If the girls cannot catch it, they must pick it up off the ground and throw it back. The boy who gets the chhoung next can try to hit the girl he likes with it. If he gets her, she must sing and dance for him. If not, it is the girl’s team’s turn to try and hit a boy to make him sing and dance. The most popular song goes: “I can catch this chhoung and break it into four parts. Oh my darling, please get this chhoung”. For the other variety, chhoung loh kangom, the rules are the same, except if a boy is hit, he must go to the girl’s side, and vice versa.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Some of Histories about Banan Temples.

The 11th century mountaintop Angkorian ruin of Phnom Banan is the best preserved of the Khmer temples around Battambang. As you approach you will see the distinctive five towers pointing skyward, like a smaller version of Angkor Wat. At the base of the mountain you are faced with a steep laterite staircase flanked by nagas. After climbing the  steps you are treated to a wonderfully peaceful setting. 

The temple was built by Udayadityavarman II, son of Suryavarman I, and despite some looting it is in a considerably better state of repair that Wat Ek Phnom. 

Several delightfully carved lintels remain above some of the towers doorways, others are now housed in the Battambang Museum. From the mountaintop are superb views across the surrounding countryside, with small villages dotting the endless rice paddies which are punctuated with the characteristic sugar palm trees. To the south you will see Crocodile Mountain, and to the north west Phnom Sampeau.

 Towards the base of the mountain is a cave called L’Ang But Meas, it is quite a scramble down the mountainside to reach it, but worth it. After squeezing through an easy to miss fissure in a small rocky outcrop and after a couple of short squatted crawls the cave opens into two magical large airy caverns, with a shaft of light penetrating from above. Here you will see a large stalactite hanging from the ceiling with sacred sparkling water dripped from it into a bowl below. 

Local legend says that drinking this water leads to knowledge of the past, present, and future. The short walk around the base of the mountain back to the car park passes through a peaceful stretch of countryside where you can listen to the birds, skirt a small pond, and pass a very old traditional pagoda.

7 Colors of dress for every single day of the week.

Hello every today I want to show you about the color of our clothing per week.and what’s color that we should ware for Monday in cambodia...